Monday, October 7, 2013

Meet Elissa Daye author of In Rapture

When you are getting ready to start a new book, what’s the first thing you do? 
I try to think who my characters are going to be. 

What do they look like? What makes them happy? What music would play whenever they are around? Then I start to write down some ideas for my plot, a bare bones idea of where I want my story to go.

How do you celebrate when you finish writing a book?
I tell everyone I know in my real life and my internet life, for I have several connections I have never met before.

Have you had any fun fan moments since you became a writer? 
Yes! I have a few fans in my Destiny Divas group that have really been super supportive of my Destined Series. The first time someone messaged me on facebook and told me she was a huge fan, I was smiling for a week. I couldn’t believe it at first. I’m so lucky to have such amazing friends and family that support me, but to have complete strangers believe in what I do is simply amazing!

Do you have any hobbies or special interests you’d care to share?
I used to rescue ferrets in my area, until I had my two girls. For a time, these furry little critters were my kids and were completely spoiled. I even had a crafty ferret business on e-bay at one point, where I made cage accessories for small animals. I even attended a few ferret shows. Ferret shows are much like dog shows, believe it or not. Ferret breeders show their ferrets off and earn awards in different categories. For those of us who simply wanted to bring our ferrets for fun, there were a lot of small contests they could enter: paper bag escape, tunnel races, costume contests. Those were the days!

What was the inspiration for your books?
I’m a big believer that life leads you down the road you are meant to travel. There are many forks in the road, turns, twists, cracks, and crevasses that you fall into, but over time you learn to maneuver your way and exceed your expectations. Destiny, overcoming your life and living to your fullest has and will always be an important them in my Destined Series. It’s prevalent in my upcoming book, The Land of the Shadows too.

How difficult is if for you to come up with a title for your books?
Sometimes very difficult. At times, I think it is easier to wait until you are finished to decide the title of the book, that way your whole plot is complete and the name makes sense. For the Destined Series, the first book In Flames got its title in the beginning because it was such a spicy romance. In the end though, the title had a greater meaning, because one of my characters finds herself enflamed. In Rapture, well again, this book was also a hot read and very intense love story. The third book, In Chains,  which is taking forever to write, is more about being bound to a destiny with very little choice. I do intend for this to be a gentler love story than the other two, but still promise to not disappoint in the heat department. Now for The Land of the Shadows, the title came right from a place in the story. That was an easier title to come up with, but it was not decided until the book was completed. I actually played around with other titles, before deciding that this was the right choice for the book.

What jobs have you had on your way to becoming a writer?
Let’s see. I taught for almost 8 years in different schools and ages. From Middle school French/Language Arts all the way to teaching first grade at an inner-city school. My favorite teaching position was when I taught writing skills to every class in the building as part of their school improvement plan.

Where does the magic happen?  Where do you write?
Anywhere really. I like to find a place for my girls to play and write down ideas as I keep an eye on them. I’ve written at fast food restaurants while my oldest colors, at Panera when I get a break with a sitter, at the gym while the girls are in daycare, at home when everyone is asleep, and in the car when we go on road trips. I try to jot down ideas any time I can, to keep the juices flowing. I have ideas for several books written down in different notebooks.


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